What Are the Benefits of Eating Persimmons Fruit?
Are persimmons good for you, and what are the benefits of persimmon fruit? Yes, persimmons have bioactive compounds that have health benefits, many of which you will not want to miss out on.
Benefits of Persimmons
Here are some health benefits of eating persimmon fruit:
Dietary Fibre and Digestive Health: Persimmons are an excellent source of dietary fibre. Fibre is crucial for maintaining regular bowel movements and digestive health.
Each serving of persimmons provides significant amounts of fibre, including soluble fibre. Soluble fibre helps to lower LDL cholesterol levels and supports cardiovascular health. Including fibre-rich foods in your daily diet can help prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Full of Vitamins and Minerals: Persimmons have vitamins A and C, which help you see better, keep your skin healthy, and help your body fight off illnesses. They also have fibre for your digestion and minerals to keep you strong.
Essential Vitamins
Vitamin AÂ (Retinol)
Vitamin CÂ (Ascorbic acid)
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
Vitamin K (Phylloquinone)
B vitamins:
Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
Niacin (Vitamin B3)
Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5)
Potassium (K)
Copper (Cu)
Manganese (Mn)
Lots of Antioxidants: These special nutrients protect your body from chronic diseases and can keep your heart healthy. The antioxidants in persimmons include: Vitamin C, Beta-carotene, Flavonoids (including quercetin, catechins, and epicatechins), Tannins, Lycopen and Gallic acid.
Good for Your Heart: Eating persimmons can be good for heart health because they have nutrients that control your blood pressure and lower bad cholesterol. Lower blood pressure can reduce your risk of heart disease. Heart disease is one of the biggest factors in premature death globally according to the WHO.
Reduces Inflammation: If parts of your body are swollen and painful, persimmons can help reduce that because they fight inflammation.
Supports Digestive Health: Persimmons have fibre, which helps them stay regular and support their digestive health.
Improves Eye Health: They have nutrients that help keep your eyesight sharp and protect your eyes.

Boosts immune system: It has a lot of high vitamin CÂ content. The vitamin CÂ in persimmons help your body fight off colds and other infections.
Benefits Skin Health: The vitamins in persimmons help keep your skin smooth and clear.
Regulates Blood Sugar: Persimmons have a moderate glycemic index and are high in fibre. Fibre helps regulate blood sugar levels, making persimmons a good choice for people monitoring their glucose intake.
Rich in B Vitamins: Persimmons contain B vitamins like B6, which are essential for brain health and energy levels.
Promotes Bone Health: With trace minerals such as manganese and copper, persimmons contribute to maintaining bone density and the overall health of the skeletal system.
Potential Anti-Cancer Properties: The antioxidants and phytonutrients in persimmons may have anti-cancer properties, helping to protect against the development of certain types of cancer.
Enhances Metabolism: Combining B vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can help boost metabolic processes in the body, aiding in energy production and efficient use of nutrients.
Helps With Weight Control: Are persimmons 'fattening'? No! Persimmons can make you feel full without many calories, which can help you manage your weight.
Low-calorie density:Â Persimmons are low in calories and fat, making them a healthy choice in a balanced diet.
What Are Persimmons?
Persimmons, pronounced per-sim-mon, are tree fruit that belongs to the Ebenaceae family. The shape of persimmons is roundish or slightly oval, with smooth, thin skin, and their colour ranges from yellow-orange to reddish-orange.
Most persimmons are native to East Asia, originating in China and Japan. However, there is a North American variety, and this is where the name 'persimmon' comes from.
The word 'persimmon' was taken into English during the 17th-century colonial era in North America when Europeans encountered the native peoples. The word persimmon is adapted from its original form, which comes from the Native American Algonquian language, 'persimmons'.
Today, persimmons are grown worldwide and prefer temperate or subtropical climates where winters are mild and summers are hot. Some examples of where persimmons are cultivated are South Korea, California, Texas, Florida, Brazil: São Paulo, Spain: Valencia, Israel: Jordan Valley, Australia: Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria. There are many more places where persimmons are cultivated, and there are many varieties.
Calories of Persimmon Fruit Per 100 Grams
Here is an estimate of the calories of fuyu, hachiya, American and chocolate persimmon fruit. As you can see, they are low in calorie density; the American persimmon fruit has the highest amount of calories.
Type | Type | Â Calories kcal per 100g | Â Calories kcal per 100g |
Fuyu | Fuyu | Approx. 70 | Approx. 70 |
Hachiya | Hachiya | Approx. 70 | Approx. 70 |
American | American | Approx. 127 | Approx. 127 |
Chocolate | Chocolate | Approx. 70 | Approx. 70 |
What Are Some Common Types of Persimmons?
There are two primary varieties of persimmons: astringent and non-astringent. Astringent persimmons are high in tannins and must be fully ripe before being eaten. Tannic acid gives an astringent taste. If you try to eat them unripe, they will be bitter and have a mouth-drying effect. Non-astringent persimmons are sweeter and can be enjoyed while still firm.
Fuyu (Diospyros kaki 'Fuyu'): They are non-astringent and have a squat, tomato-like shape. They are typically eaten when firm and have a crisp texture. Fuyu persimmons have a sweet and mildly tangy flavour.
Hachiya (Diospyros kaki 'Hachiya'): Are astringent and must be fully ripe before consuming. Ripe fruits have an elongated, heart-shaped appearance and a soft, custard-like texture. Hachiya persimmons are known for their rich, sweet flavour.
Tamopan (Diospyros kaki 'Tamopan' - tam o pan): Also known as the Asian or Japanese persimmon, the fruit is commonly called kaki fruit. Tamopan (tam o pan) persimmons grow in various parts of the world with suitable climates. However, they prefer a subtropical to temperate climate and can be found in countries like Japan, China, Korea, the United States, Brazil, and others. Here are some more facts about the Tamopan (tam o pan) persimmon:
Tamopan (tam o pan) persimmons are like Hachiya but ripen earlier. Their appearance is like that of other persimmons. The Tamopan (tam o pan) persimmon stands out with its distinctive squat shape and deep orange colour, complete with a unique pumpkin-like indent at the top. Tamopan (tam o pan) persimmons have an indentation that bands around their middle horizontally.
This non-astringent variety allows it to be enjoyed while still firm, offering a crisp texture and a sweet, slightly spicy flavour that becomes richer as it ripens. When tamopan (tam o pan) fruit is fully ripe, it has a sweet flavour and a soft, jelly-like texture. It's a versatile fruit that can be eaten fresh, incorporated into salads, or used in sweet and savoury culinary creations.
Tamopan (tam o pan) is rich in vitamins A and C, along with essential minerals and antioxidants. The tamopan (tam o pan) is not only delicious but also nutritious.
The tamopan (tam o pan) persimmon tree is a moderate-sized, deciduous tree with attractive glossy leaves and vibrant autumn colours. It thrives in sunny, well-drained spots and adds both ornamental beauty and delicious produce to gardens, growing best in climates with warm summers and mild winters.
The Tamopan (tam o pan) persimmon tree flourishes in regions with subtropical to temperate climates, including Japan, China, Korea, parts of the United States (notably California and the Southeast), Brazil, the Mediterranean region, and Australia, making it a versatile and globally appreciated fruit tree.
Sharon Fruit (Diospyros kaki 'Sharon'): The Israeli persimmon is a non-astringent variety. It is round or slightly flattened and can be eaten while still firm. Sharon fruit has a sweet, mild flavour.
American Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana): Native to North America. It is typically smaller than Asian persimmon varieties and has a more complex flavour. American persimmons are astringent.
Maru (Diospyros lotus): Also known as lotus persimmons, they are smaller and have a unique pointed shape. They are native to Japan and have a flavourful sweet taste.
When do Persimmon Trees Fruit?
Persimmon trees usually start bearing fruit around 3 to 5 years old. Astringent persimmons are harvested when fully ripe in late autumn to early winter.
Non-astringent persimmons are harvested in late summer to early autumn when they reach their mature size and colour. Therefore, you could see persimmons in the stores from late summer to early winter.
How Does a Persimmon Taste?
Persimmons have a unique sweet, slightly tangy, tropical, and honey-like flavour. Depending on the variety, their texture may be crisp or soft, jelly-like. Their smell is sweet and pleasant, reflecting their complex flavours.
They are pleasant and tasty fruit you should try if you are on the fence. I have tried both the soft and crisper varieties, and I like the crisp this season. They remind me of a soother textured tropical honey-tasting apple.
How to Eat Persimmon
Are the skins of persimmon fruit edible? Yes, persimmon skins are edible. Make sure you wash the fruit before eating.
How enjoyable the skin is depends on the variety of persimmon, fruit ripeness, and tenderness. Some persimmons have thick apple-like skin, while others have a thicker and tougher outer layer. If you want to remove the skin, peel it or cut it off using a knife.
You can cut persimmons however you like. Cut off the top where the green leaves are, and then cut it into wedges, cubes, or slices. Persimmon seeds are edible, but they are hard and fibrous. Not all persimmons have seeds; if yours does, you may cut around them or spoon them out.
What to look for when buying persimmons
Colour: Look for deep orange to reddish hues. Avoid green or pale colouring, as they are likely unripe.
Texture: A gentle squeeze will assess their texture. Ripe persimmons should feel slightly soft. Some varieties are crisp, and this will be firm; look again at their colour.
Skin Appearance: Avoid blemishes, bruises, or mould. Ripe persimmons should have smooth and intact skin without any signs of damage or decay.
Stalk: The stalk or cap should be firmly attached, not loose or detached.
Storing Persmimmons
Persimmons will continue to ripen if you leave them on a countertop. Persimmons, however, will not continue to ripen if stored in the refrigerator. The temperature of the refrigerator slows down the ripening process. This is good news if you want to store persimmons for longer, but the fruit will be less flavourful.

Where Can You Buy Persimmons?
Persimmons have been growing in popularity. Once only available in specialty grocery stores you can now find persimmons in most major supermarkets. In Australia, both Woolworths and Coles sell persimmons in season.
How to Use Persimmons
Eat them fresh or add them to salads and fruit bowls.
Use them in baking, like cakes, muffins, and pies.
Smoothies and juices
Preserves, jams, or chutneys with them.
Add them to desserts like custards, tarts, or ice cream.
Can Dogs Eat Persimmons?
A question that has come up is, can dogs eat persimmons? Yes, they can. Dogs can eat persimmons. Before you feed your dogo persimmon read the end of the blog for what parts of persimmon are ok and what parts are not. I would avoid excessive consumption when giving your dog this fruit.Â
Yes, but this yes comes with a warning. Persimmons can be a tasty treat for your furry friend, but there are some parts of a persimmon they should not eat...
Can Dogs Eat Persimmon Skin or Seeds?
No, they should not eat either.
Here's why dogs should not eat the skin or seeds of persimmons:
Digestive tract Irritation
Potential Blockage
Chemical Residues
Choking Hazard
Cyanide Compounds (seeds)
The soft part of the persimmon is okay for dogs, but you'll want to make sure to remove the skin and take out the seeds first. Dogs should not eat persimmon skin or seeds. These parts can be tough on their tummies and even cause a blockage, which we don't want. Plus, those seeds could be a choking hazard.
If you decide to give your dog a little persimmon, first wash the fruit. Start by giving your dog a small piece of the flesh to see how they handle it. Just like us, dogs can have sensitive stomachs, especially with new foods. Remember, treats like persimmons should only be a small part of their diet.
Persimmons can be toxic to dogs if ingested in large quantities. Persimmons contain tannins which are harmful to dogs. Tannins are found in higher concentrations in unripe persimmons and can cause irritation and inflammation in a dog's digestive system.
To be on the safe side it's a good idea to have a quick chat with your vet before introducing any new food to your dog's menu, especially if they've had health issues in the past. They can give you the best advice on what's safe and what's not.

Are Persimmons Good for Dogs?
Yes, but they should only be given as a small treat. Here are some health benefits for dogs that eat the flesh of persimmon fruit:
Vitamins and Minerals: Persimmons are rich in vitamins A and C, which can help support the immune system and maintain healthy skin and vision health in dogs.
Fibre: The flesh of persimmons contains dietary fibre, which can aid in digestion and help maintain a healthy gut. However, too much fibre can cause digestive upset, so it's important to feed persimmons in moderation.
Antioxidants: Persimmons have antioxidants that can help reduce oxidative stress and may contribute to overall health.

Persimmon fruit is a delicious fruit and loaded with positive health benefits. There are many kinds of persimmons, meaning you can see them in stores from late summer to early winter. The texture is the main difference you will notice when eating the different types. The skin is edible, and the fruit itself is sweet.
Persimmons can be part of a balanced diet. They are a good source of vitamins A and vitamin CÂ and dietary fibre.
Persimmons are low in calories and fat, making them a healthy choice for a snack. Try eating them fresh, baking them in goods, making them into jam or drying them.